You’ll notice that all of the Series 4 specials so far have followed a pretty familiar pattern for the series – “ The Next Doctor” was a story set in the past, “ Planet Of The Dead” was set in the present (albeit on an alien planet, halfway across the galaxy), and for “The Waters Of Mars”, we take a trip into the not so different future, when humanity has just started to make progress with exploring outer space beyond the moon. Arguably, the Tenth Doctor’s entire character arc, ever since he made his debut in “ The Christmas Invasion“, has been building up to him having a horribly traumatic and humbling experience like the one that sets the stage for his finale in “ The End Of Time“, and to this day, “The Waters Of Mars” is remembered fondly for the direction it takes the Tenth Doctor’s character in. “The Waters Of Mars” (a story Russell co-wrote with Phil Ford) is a pretty significant episode in the series.

Davies’ best episodes were the really morbid and depressing ones, because when the man wanted to write some really bleak Doctor Who, he could do it really well. The RTD era of Doctor Who reaches its penultimate adventure with “The Waters Of Mars”, and perhaps it says something about my taste in television, but I stand by what I’ve said several times before on this blog: a lot of Russell T.