She mutters that "he" came as well, and has to go there, too. Lillie notices Type: Null amidst the Ultra Beasts, and stands up.

Kukui reports the Ultra Beasts are headed towards Hokulani Observatory, but they managed to stall them at Route 10. Meanwhile, at Ula'ula Island, Burnet, with Sina, Dexio, Lillie and the two children, contacts Kukui. She believes it still won't be able to reach them, but Crabominable goes to attack them. Hapu is in shock, noting that Crabominable is not only strong, but accurate in its attacks. Hapu rides Mudsdale, who goes finish Crabominable off, who, despite having mud on its eyes, manages to land a hit on Mudsdale. Hapu thanks Sun for distracting Crabominable, for the latter has been blinded. Mudsdale uses Mud Slap, which hits Crabominable. Crabominable punches Dollar and Sun's Machamp, so hard that the latter and Sun being thrown out of the door into the sea. He spots his package near Crabominable, and has Dollar retrieve it. This shocks Sun, who realizes he is supposed to give her the Mirage Berry. Hapu actually points to Tapu Fini, to his right side. Sun notes she is speaking as if the guardian deity was here. Sun is amazed, as Hapu points out she trained hard to show Tapu Fini that she is an Island Kahuna. Thus, her Mudsdale returns the damage with Counter, hitting Crabominable in its eyes. Hapu is nevertheless impressed, for Crabominable, for a wild Pokémon, chose a perfect timing to attack. Mudsdale continues fighting, but the Crabominable lands a hit on it. Hapu has Sun watch as her Mudsdale defeats the Crabrawler, which proves Sun that she is powerful enough to be an Island Kahuna.

Sun recalls there isn't supposed to be an Island Kahuna for Poni Island, but is told Hapu was called by Hala to be told they elected her. Hapu states until she solves the problem on Poni Island, she cannot be acknowledged by Tapu Fini. She gets attacked by the Ultra Beast, and in that moment, Gladion fights with his new Pokémon. She goes to the site of the battle to see Gladion, her brother. As Sun gives support to Hapu in fighting Crabominable, Lillie notices Type: Null fighting the Ultra Beasts.